Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip Wiki
The Christmas Show
Season 1, Episode 11
Air date 4 December 2006
Written by Aaron Sorkin (teleplay)

Christina Kiang Booth and Cinque Henderson (story)

Directed by Dan Attias
Episode guide

With a holiday show on the horizon, Matt is determined to bring the Christmas spirit to Studio 60. Meanwhile, following a visit to the OB/GYN, Danny has to confront his true feelings for Jordan. Harriett is offered a career changing opportunity. Tom and Simon jump at the opportunity to assist the writing team to write Christmas based sketches in order to enjoy the company of a certain member of the writing team, however their presence is seen as more of a hindrance by the writing staff. When Danny discovers that band members from various TV shows intend to call in sick in an effort to help musicians who have been homeless since Hurricane Katrina, he takes the opportunity to create an entire band from New Orleans musicians who play a centerpiece on the show.